Starcodes, Sept 4 2015, Heather Roan Robbins


Happy Labor Day- Labor Day is the industrious Virgo holiday where we honor workers around the globe and our own work by taking a break before the summer is over. For one long weekend we can labor at our life versus our work, and rest, recuperate, have a last-minute adventure, and work on personal projects, so we can come back refreshed and refocused and get into the work at hand. Virgo always brings us back to our work, our soul work, our healing work, our maturation—as much as our day job.

Now, some Labor Days we may just kick back and relax, but creative discontent creeps in this year and needs a place to go. It’s a great weekend for home improvement projects. We may feel a desire to build or make things, notice what needs fixing in our culture or our front porch as the Sun bi-quintiles Uranus and trines Pluto under a domestic Cancer Moon. With all of this ingenuity also comes a much-needed lighthearted and humorous ability to laugh as we deal with these more serious issues (thank you Uranus).

Mercury zoomed along at a very fast pace for most of August, and so even though our hearts and bodies wallowed in the summer heat, our minds skipped ahead to worry about the fall plans. Mercury begins to slow down, preparing to turn retrograde on September 18. Let’s get our fall work outlined quickly and then use the rest of September and early October to do what we said we’re going to do.

As the new week begins a cloud of sadness or recalcitrance can drag at us, some old emotional gestalts shift within us and we can choose to let it go. We may need to get over some recent disappointment or release an old dream so we can give room for new imagination, or let go of the summer mindset so we can really engage the work ahead, as Venus turns direct on Sunday.

We need to be our own best audience next week as we return to our worldly work. We may feel a little invisible to the world just when we crave to be seen, or feel conflicted between the need to be appreciated and the need to be alone. Mercury square to Pallas Athena can sharpen our mind and leave it prickly in the middle of the night but allow us to give us the mental rigor to follow through on our plans and negotiate our needs. Venus and Mars conjunct in spotlight-loving Leo can act like a magnifying glass, expanding all of our emotions so we can see them clearly, even if we can just remember their proportion. People won’t mean to be self-centered, and can be very generous and caring, but may be so wrapped in their own stories that they forget to appreciate others. We need to be able to give ourselves applause and honor how far we’ve come in our life’s journey.

By the end of the week we can wrestle with loneliness or wonder if we’re doing enough as thoughtful Mercury squares depressing Pluto, and know we’d better take action in response as Mars trine restless Uranus. Don’t believe any interior stories around uselessness or incompetence. Let those float by. We have work to do. We need to get our fall work outlined quickly over the next two weeks and then do what we said we were going to do as Mercury retrogrades Sept 18-Oct 10.

Friday, September 4: After a night where we considered our physical comfort, morning dawns under a mobile Gemini Moon that leaves us restless to get on with an adventure or a new chapter in our lives. Communication flows even if we’re a little nervy. Some glitches may interrupt our plans early afternoon as the Moon semi-squares Uranus and squares Jupiter, so take the path of least resistance but don’t take a shortcut in quality, as that will only prolong the problem. See the interruptions as an opportunity for an unexpected experience and a chance to strengthen cooperation. Tonight we may really want to leave realism behind for a while and drift in the starlight as the Moon squares Neptune and trines Mercury. Don’t ask for consistency, do ask for conversation.

Moon opposed Saturn 4:20 AM, Moon enters Gemini 5:47 AM, Moon semi-square Uranus 2:19 PM, Moon square Jupiter 3:04 PM, Moon square Neptune 8:22 PM, Moon square Mercury 10:10 PM,

Saturday, September 5: Even with a generally talkative, nervous vibe we can sort through what problems with ease once we agree on the goal. Humor and good priorities help us with touchiness and a need to process old slights or insecurities. It furthers to domesticate and nest .Let ingenuity shine through as the Sun trines Pluto. Laugh where possible, we can find things unusually funny and this helps us work with the strange emotional undercurrents. The mood is generally warm but we tend to step on each other’s toes as Venus stations.

Moon square Sun 3:54 AM, Moon sextile Venus 7:14 AM, Moon sextile Mars 1:26 PM, Moon square Chiron 4:27 PM, Moon sextile Uranus 5:03 PM, Sun trine Pluto 5:10 PM,

Sunday, September 6: Sort out what is really not important and let it go. Stick to essentials, to what really matters underneath. Don’t argue about how to get there at the moment, hold on to the prize as Venus turns direct, the Moon enters emotional and personal Cancer, and the Sun bi-quintiles Uranus. It’s a good day to shake out the dross and come back to what supports love, heart, and a healthy home base. Watch a tendency to get cluttered or let past memories clog up the moment, to have prickly defenses or find other people responsible for our comfort, let it go and come back to center. Over and over again if needed. As we let go of the weeds, what do we want to grow in our lives instead? Focus on this.

Venus stationary direct 2:29 AM, Moon semi-square Venus 10:32 AM, Moon enters Cancer 11:39 AM, Sun bi-quintile Uranus 11:48 AM, Moon semi-square Mars 6:21 PM, Moon sextile Jupiter 10:26 PM.

Monday, September 7: A feeling of urgency can nibble away at our peaceful day off with its ever-growing to-do list as the Moon opposes Pluto and squares Mercury. Engage successful short-term home-improvement projects.  Build, hike, and make tangible efforts as Mars quintiles Pluto: physical activity helps, so does kindness, comfort, familiar foods, and activities that produce a clear goal.

Venus semi-sextile Sun to 20 a.m., Moon trine Neptune 3 AM, Moon square Mercury 9 AM, Mars bi-quintile Pluto 11:12 AM, Moon opposed Pluto 12:04 PM, Moon sextile Sun 3:40 PM.

Tuesday, September 8: Get organized this morning, it furthers to work on personal routines that we want to continue throughout fall. Then launch fully into the month’s work as Mars trines Uranus and the Moon trine Saturn. We can be impatient with ourselves (though that won’t really help us work any faster ) but need to be a little patient with other people, even though Mars urges us to get on with it, there’s a lot swirling in our subconscious this week and anxiety can come across as pushiness.  Help people prioritize and stay on track.

Moon trine Chiron 12:09 AM, Mars quincunx Chiron 12:21 AM, Moon square Uranus 12:52 AM, Mars trine Uranus 1:53 PM, Moon trine Saturn 7:27 PM, Moon enters Leo 8:35 PM, Moon semi-square Sun 10:57 PM.

Wednesday, September 9: With a moody, haunted vibe, it’s a day of external sociable extroversion over internal introspective concern, and with low impulse control. Reach out to lonely people. We can be painfully aware of water flowing under the bridge as Mercury squares Pluto, but let’s not overgeneralize; mourn the bittersweet remnants but stay present. There’s plenty here for us to do. We don’t need to load up the story to give ourselves an excuse to feel the way we do, whatever that is, and we don’t have to act on it, just be honest about the feelings. Investigative reporting furthers, mysteries can be solved. Transportation and communication can be problematic; be aware where glitches block the way, and prioritize establishing clear channels.

Mercury square Pluto 1:27 PM, Moon sextile Mercury 10:37 PM,

Thursday, September 10: Look for the best and worst of Leo excesses as the Moon in Leo conjuncts Venus and Mars. Friendly, over the top spontaneous gatherings on one hand counter our difficulty in hearing one another because our personal reality is so loud within that it can feel urgent to express ourselves. But we can tell some great stories if we take turns and honor the light in others even as we let our own shine. Look for inspiration within the work and are willing to act upon it as the Sun quintile Saturn while the Moon trines Uranus and conjuncts Mars. We can build support for our work more easily when we can show others that the path to our success and to theirs lies in the same direction. Make it a win-win situation; don’t fuss with details now because they will probably all be revised in the months ahead.

Moon conjunct Venus 1:24 AM, Sun quintile Saturn 6:50 AM, Moon trine Uranus 11:19 AM, Moon conjunct Mars 1:58 PM.

Friday, September 4



Starcodes Aug 28 2015 Heather Roan Robbins

We saw the first glint of fall leaves, shifts in the weather pattern, and change in the stock market as the Sun and Jupiter entered Virgo last week.

Astrologers expected a generalized deflation and reorganization towards what is solid and pragmatic as expansive Jupiter left Leo and entered nervy, skittish, thoughtful Virgo, but the jittery stock markets exceeded expectations. We also hoped for a curtailing of the extremes of political hyperbole, but have had no luck there; maybe when Venus and Mars both leave Leo, or maybe it’s just the nature of politics. Jupiter in Virgo says work will set us free, but also implies that we won’t get money for nothing. We need solid healthy groundwork.

The stock market usually responds to emotional patterns in the stars, not logical ones. Venus and Mars, the planets that symbolize our emotional realm, conjunct in melodramatic Leo throughout September and crank up the volume on events and our emotional response (Mars enters Virgo Sept 25, Venus on Oct 9). Although our thoughts are generally calm and friendly with Mercury now in balance- loving Libra, once our emotions crank up we’ll tend to speak in emotional hyperbole and want to take dramatic action. Mars and Venus in Leo can also stimulate an overreaction to our hopes and fears and this magnification can help us see what’s really in our hearts, even if the story is overblown. But we don’t have to make tragic news headlines (though some of us will). Through early October, we need to listen to the wild stories of our hearts but redirect the focus away from fear, not get caught up in the melodrama, get a better sense of proportion, and build on more solid ground.

We may not want to step out of our house at first, but once we’re out, this Venus and Mars can loan us a gracious extroversion. We can start the seeds of new friendship though they may take a while to cultivate. Mercury just entered its shadow this morning, which means it turns retrograde in a few weeks and has just entered the part of the zodiac covered by the retrograde cycle.

We’ll really need emotional and economic ballast through this weekend as the Moon waxes not just full, but super-Moon full, perigee at its closest approach to the Earth. Shimmering in the distance behind this full Moon is Neptune which infuses it with an extra emotional flood. We can swim with our vulnerabilities or emotional projections, or dive with mythic creatures, either feel bullied our buoyed by the collective unconscious, depending on what layer we choose to tap into. If we meet somebody unusual, note the potentially delightful karmic reaction, enjoy the experience, but read no nothing into it until the story unfolds. It helps to be around nature and those we love and trust to let their organic health seep into our soul.

Early next week an Aries Moon and Jupiter sesqui-quadrate Uranus can leave us irritable and wanting to break free of past restrictions. We’ll hate to feel like someone is standing in our way, so don’t try to be the voice of common sense to another person with low impulse control; instead, empathize with the feeling and ask them to wait a day or two. Redirect, refocus, rather than try to reason. Honor the feelings, delay the decisions. The mood evens out into with more pragmatism and comfort midweek, though we’re still not thinking too clearly as Mercury quincunx Neptune and encourages our imaginary world but can leave our thinking a little foggy.

Friday, August 28: Notice a dis-conjunction between what we say and what we do, as if we’re all a little out of sync this morning as the Aquarian Moon opposes Venus and Mercury and the Sun sesqui-quadrates Uranus. Unsettling news is only part of the picture; apparently clear data can misrepresent the truth, check facts and ask questions. Although we can feel a little sleepy or lazy this morning, there is a pool of nervous energy or emotional melodrama waiting to be tapped; a positive and friendly upbeat edge in one direction contradicts this nervousness on the other side. Find something practical to do in the moment, and ride it out. After a busy day, people need to unwind tonight but may really not want to process; let them rest and de-stress.

Moon opposed Venus 4:18 AM, Mercury semi-square Venus 5:47 AM, Sun sesqui-quadrate Uranus 11:48 AM, Moon sextile Uranus 11:55 AM.

Saturday, August 29: We puddle about in our emotions as the Moon waxes full in Pisces, peaking at 12:35 PM MDT, and then conjunct Neptune at 4:20 PM. Our emotions can take us through worst-case scenarios, burrow into our hopes and fears, dance with the art supplies, or lead us to watch cartoons. Small logical problems help us refocus, so does gardening or something that keeps us busy and lets our soul connect to spirit. Some minor crises may come to a head around circumstances of unusual vulnerability; let the feelings flow and make no long term decisions. Any divination, prayer, or meditation furthers this afternoon. Support one another tonight.

Moon semi-square Pluto 12:53 AM, Moon square Saturn 1:02 AM, Moon enters Pisces 2:50 AM, Mars quincunx Pluto 5:28 AM, Moon opposed Jupiter 10:08 AM, Moon semi-square Uranus 11:53 AM, Moon opposed Sun 12:35 PM, Moon conjunct Neptune 4:20 PM.

Sunday, August 30: We may have a little bit more ground under our feet, more focus on what we can do to make the world better, or what we can do to enjoy ourselves and be healthy. Flashes of genius possible, listen to the sudden ideas. Grasp small moments of healing midday. And let’s pace ourselves, because the energy will flow unevenly throughout the day. All gentleness, romance, and imagination appreciated; but don’t assume it, we’re all on a strange journey. Venus conjuncts Mars exactly in Leo tonight and we can be all about the compassionate heart or emotional drama.

Mars bi-quintile Chiron 4:58 AM, Moon conjunct Chiron 10:19 AM, Moon semi-sextile Uranus 10:40 AM.

Monday, August 31: Watch sudden erratic move because we may be feeling impulsive, but without clarity. The Sun opposes Neptune and opens up our intuition and imagination, but distorts our perception. We see what we want to see, or are afraid to see, and may feel unusually permeable, but the Aries Moon asks us to get out there and take radical action anyway. Let’s say how we feel as Mercury semi-sextiles Jupiter, but choose carefully whether or not to trigger off other people’s reactions. Be honest but compassionate. A clear line may need to be drawn, just make it real rather than dramatic. Stay in the moment and notice that visions can deceive. Lots of good ideas crop up, but consider negotiating or starting new projects tomorrow.

Moon trine Saturn 12:53 AM, Mercury semis sex tile Jupiter 12:58 AM, moon enters Aries to 30 2 AM, moon opposed Mercury 10:05 AM, sun opposed Neptune 10:37 PM, Venus conjunct Mars 11:03 PM. Moon square Pluto 11:32 PM.

Tuesday, September 1: We want to feel part of something larger this morning, and our contentment may depend upon how much we can engage and improve the situation as the Aries Moon trines Venus and Mars. Our impulse control is down midmorning as the Moon conjunct Uranus, for better or worse, our knee-jerk reaction will be rebellious, but that can give us strength in a good direction. Our energy may burn out relatively early as the espresso wears off and tiredness seeps in tonight; rest up.

Moon trine Venus 2:24 AM, Moon trine Mars 2:36 AM, Moon conjunct Uranus 11:37 AM, Moon semi-square Neptune 4:11 PM.

Wednesday, September 2: We can feel the moods leveling out, can tend to practical things, and feel more grounded and rooted than we have for a while as the Moon enters earthy Taurus and trines the Sun and Jupiter. The mood is stubborn but potentially positive (though still heavy on hyperbole), stability and steady routines can comfort and build support, small acts of generosity go far, and help us direct and underlying nervousness and impatience for change as sesqui-quadrate Uranus. Although we may have to sift through some crazy thinking, this is a day to follow through on good ideas that sprung up over the weekend, and still make sense today.

Moon enters Taurus 3:01 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 11 AM, Moon sextile Neptune 4:53 PM, Moon trine Sun 8:06 PM, Jupiter sesqui-quadrate Uranus at 9:51 PM.

Thursday, September 3: We can be obsessed about relationships or unsettled emotionally, feel self-indulgent and stubborn as the Moon squares Venus and Mars this morning. We get the hang of it by midday; check back in with problems that worried earlier. Time seems to layer, karma thickens. Notice underneath the turbulence we can feel new seeds growing and can count on crops we planted earlier or skills we’ve learned before. Tonight, our minds are strong but strange and need something to positive to chew upon or our brains will masticate tough memories and concerns as the Mercury quincunx Neptune.

Moon trine Pluto 12:50 AM, Moon square Venus 3:19 AM, Moon square Mars 6:23 AM, Mercury quincunx Neptune 9:02 PM.

Starcodes Aug 21, 2015 Heather Roan Robbins

As the first golden leaf falls from the dark green canopy this week we feel the shimmers of impending season change and can feel torn between conflicting pulls on our time and heart.  Feel the pull between what we want and our responsibilities, or between savoring a lingering sybaritic summer moment, and urgent actions needed for our future. Stop feeling torn and time share or mediate between the people and the needs. Make the work joyful obligations. Mix what is needed in the moment with a healthy investment in the future. Because it could be a busy year, and can be productive if we fill our reserves, position ourselves well, and respond to urgent calls now.

Jupiter recently entered Virgo (8/12/15-9/9/16) where it will be for the next year. Jupiter symbolizes what frees us, expands our horizons, and also what we overdo or overindulge; it’s larger than all the other planets in the solar system put together. Jupiter in Virgo tells us that our work can set us free, and reminds us that there is no greater gift than good health. Mercury is already in Virgo, and the Sun enters Virgo on Sunday, calling us to an industrious self-improvement program, loaning us that ability to sort, learn, digest and absorb, harvest and heal which we need every autumn.

It is one of life’s humors quirks that students are drawn back to school every year under this industrious Sun in Virgo quality, when they are most ready to learn but most miserably self-conscious and self-critical, one of Virgo’s shadows. Venus and Mars, the two planets that symbolize our social-emotional milieu, are still in Leo and aren’t really into this whole autumnal back to work approach. They infuse our personalities with panache and can help us create new communities at work and school, but can leave us lingering over brunch and dragging our feet when it’s time to buckle down to work.

But this combination has gifts—as we enter the fall fray it’s important to make those new human connections. The busier and harder working we become, the more important it is to share appreciation with our beloveds, help new acquaintances feel appreciated, and keep our soul involved and our optimism engaged; Venus and Mars in Leo can help.

As Friday dawns we may be uncomfortably aware of problems, obstacles, limitations, notice what we’re lacking or what we haven’t done yet as the Sun forms challenging aspects to both Saturn and Pluto under a Scorpio Moon. Difficult decisions need to be made, and people who are trying to prove themselves, political candidates for instance, may unpleasantly try to wield power. The key to using these aspects positively will be to stay self-responsible, ask ourselves what can we do to make our lives better instead of what do other people need to do to change our life. Let’s not take it out on others if we delayed or waited too long and are just now buckling down to take advantage of an opportunity.

The mood shifts Saturday and Sunday, becomes more sociable and celebratory as the under a lighthearted and curious Sagittarius Moon. It stays upbeat if a little nervy on Sunday as the Sun enters Virgo and buckles back down to work on Tuesday as the Moon enters competent Capricorn and Mercury sextiles industrious Saturn next week. It’s time to get our ducks in a row, pencil boxes pencils sharpened, and organize, organize, organize.

And if we organize now, then as the Sun conjuncts expansive Jupiter and Mercury enters egalitarian, friendly Libra next Thursday, will be ready to connect with our community and network future possibilities in a good way.

Friday, August 21: The mood can be a little pompous but hard-working this morning as the Sun squares Saturn under a Scorpio Moon. We may want to get lost deep within this morning, and have strong ambiguities about dealing with people. We can get snappish or willful because we’re suddenly aware of and anxious about efforts we need to make in the future. But we can turn this frustration into action if we stay self-responsible rather than blame others for our discomfort. A stubborn streak and strong approach-avoidance conflicts continue around being sociable tonight. It may be better to do to watch a movie together or do something in tandem, rather than try to interact.

Moon sextile Pluto 5:57 AM, Sun sesqui-quadrate Pluto 9:17 AM, Moon square Venus 5:13 PM, Sun squares Saturn 5:40 PM, Moon trine Chiron 7:34 PM, Moon quincunx Uranus 7:41 PM

Saturday, August 22: In an otherwise fixed, inflexible day, uncertainty can creep in, but instead of second-guessing what we’ve already done; let’s investigate new possibilities that might bring an improvement. We may want to puddle around in our interior world this morning and resent outside demands. Midday, seriousness brings focus as the Moon conjuncts Saturn, then optimism aerates the afternoon as the Moon enters Sagittarius, suddenly we’ll want to speak up and get out on the town, though we’ll tend to argue over attitude and philosophy tonight as Mercury semi-square Mars.

Moon sextile Mercury 12:57 AM, Mars quincunx Neptune 4:21 AM, Moon semi-square Pluto 6:49 AM, Moon conjunct Saturn 12:01 PM, Moon square Sun 1:30 PM, Moon enters Sagittarius 2:40 PM, Moon square Jupiter 7:30 PM, Mercury semi-square Mars 10:29 PM

Sunday, August 23: We begin harvest season as the Sun enters Virgo this morning. Although we may feel just as lazy as the Moon squares Neptune, maybe we feel a little bit guiltier about resting. A fresh layer of honesty without an edge can create an opening in family matters. Prioritize health, sorting, organizing, rather than busyness. Leave room for sweetness of the soul this afternoon, and take an opportunity to laugh at oneself.

Sun enters Virgo 4:37 AM, Moon square Neptune 7:08 AM, Moon trine Mars 8:37 AM, Moon semi-sextile Pluto 3:44 PM,

Monday, August 24: Check in and socialize rather than push the work forward. Stir the pots, observe, and make connections. Begin to let go of the summer community and reconnect with the fall tribe. Animal health and animal rights need attention today, even if it’s just taking a dog to the dog park. Tonight the Moon enters Capricorn and we ache a bit, but begin to get serious and plan farther ahead. If this mood oozes into depression, find one small task, accomplish it, and celebrate the progress.

Moon trine Venus 12:09 AM, Moon trine Uranus 4:34 AM, Moon square Mercury 4:03 PM, Moon enters Capricorn 10:21 PM,

Tuesday, August 25: This is an important business day to get down to work and get organized. It’s also a strategic day; watch what offers come in what challenges arise in the headlines and at home and get a peek at the agenda to come. Initiate steps for long-term goals. Morning’s enthusiasm as the Moon trines Jupiter may become daunted by an awareness of the depth of the work needed this evening as the Moon conjuncts Pluto and squares Saturn. Investigate motive, then rest rather than worry.

Moon trine Sun 1:34 AM, Moon trine Jupiter 3:44 AM, Moon quintile Chiron 12:31 PM, Moon sextile Neptune 1:31 PM, Moon conjunct Pluto 9:33 PM, Moon square Saturn 10:30 PM,

Wednesday, August 26: Opportunities are popping today, if one doesn’t stumble into your life, created as the Sun conjuncts Jupiter in industrious Virgo while Mercury sextiles competent Saturn. Sign contracts. But let’s only say what we really mean, as our words count now. Show people they are loved by working with them or respecting their work. Have a solution for the problem at hand, and get the job. Problem solve together. Don’t worry about the theory, take a very pragmatic approach for the moment, and explore the theory in the next few days.

Moon sextile Chiron 9:10 AM, Moon square Uranus 9:25 AM, Mercury sextile Saturn 10:07 AM, Moon semi-square Neptune 3:14 PM, Sun conjunct Jupiter 4:02 PM.

Thursday, August 27: The mood and are thinking relaxes a bit, becomes more sociable and interconnected as Mercury enters egalitarian, interested, and more relaxed Libra as the Moon enters sociable Aquarius. Engage teamwork or find out how to work with the teams around. Contemplate the theory behind pragmatic actions. We may be less focused on the details, less touchy on the heart, but can speak with straightforward diplomacy through the day. Late night can bring a stubborn ego clash unless we give one another room as the Moon opposes Mars.

Moon sextile Saturn 12:01 AM, Moon trine Mercury 1:19 AM, Moon enters Aquarius 2:03 AM, Mercury enters Libra 9:44 AM, Moon opposes Mars 10:24 PM

Starcodes Aug 14 2015  Heather Roan Robbins

Leo energy can roar and leap like a lion, but like a lion also has a lazy streak. The Sun, Moon, and Venus all conjunct in abundant Leo and trine restless Uranus today, a day rich with expectations and dramatic undertones, and, if we’re lucky, a cat nap. With this much Leo in the air, when we’re at rest, we are at rest; we can drape sybaritically over our keyboard waiting for caresses and tidbits, and may find it hard to shift gears into action. But we can leap once we’re going; our life can move from pleasantly sociable to sitcom or tragic drama quickly. Leo loves to take things over the top, but which direction is up to us.

This morning’s New Moon in Leo, and the coming leonine week, can bring us back to ourselves. Leo calls us to put ourselves in the center and be a hearth fire, to be a warming light that shines for ourselves and others. We need to notice what feeds our fire and then we’ll have more to give. It’s time to shine and be entertained, find the world fascinating and have fun. It encourages us to be vain enough to pick out wonderful clothes for back to school or have the confidence we need to enter a new work group.

The headlines could get interesting though; dialogue may be over the top and dramatic stories could hold real significance. But we don’t need to hog the limelight and think attention equals success, even though a few supposed politicians indulge in this illusion. We can honor our inner fire yet avoid Leo’s narcissistic trap if we respect other people’s views and don’t grow isolated, distrustful, or angry because we’re locked in our own personal or cultural viewpoint. We don’t need to create a melodrama to have an excuse for radical self-care (though some people will) nor dramatize our situation as an excuse to do what we need to do. We just need to hear it ourselves, send out clear signals, and act with integrity.

As the Moon enters more industrious, analytical Virgo over the weekend and thoughtful Mercury in Virgo forms a trine to penetrating Pluto, practical necessities start knocking on our door and we can get nervous thinking about the future. Direct this anxious energy to learn a skill or build a healthy critique and momentum around social justice issues. With that Mercury-Pluto trine and Virgo’s love of analysis, it’s a great weekend to take turns and process, really talk about ourselves, which can be a productive form of self-involvement.

Early next week we need to balance between conflicting needs and balance our needs with others as the Moon heads towards egalitarian Libra and Mars sesqui-quadrates Chiron. We may feel pulled in all directions, but if we can find a moment of quiet, a certain brilliance combined with effort can gain traction on projects as Mercury quintiles Saturn. Engage in work related conversation, just do it with consideration.

The next week is emotionally and creatively experimental as Venus trines iconoclastic Uranus. This aspect helps us experiment with our sense of aesthetics and prepare to meet new people as we start looking ahead to the fall. Let’s just make sure we experimented in a way that does not endanger what’s already working.

Friday, August 14: Channel the positive side of Leo on this New Moon conjunct Venus, be generous creative, expressive, outreaching, and a social emotional leader. Romances can prosper. Entropy maximizes easily, when we hold still we will want to rest and indulge, when we get busy we create the movie or opera of our choice, so let’s write our plot line carefully. Indulgence may be just the medicine necessary. Be generous with affection and appreciation and tie into the positive leonine heart, give attention to receive it. Early evening is outgoing and sociable if high maintenance, later we can get tired and cranky as the Moon squares Saturn, and that can bring out a pompous streak.

Moon trine Uranus 6:36 AM, Moon conjunct Sun 8:53 AM, Moon conjunct Venus 12:25 PM, Moon square Saturn 10:36 PM.

Saturday, August 15: The details can set us free this morning as the Moon conjunct Jupiter in Virgo. Concentrating on a smaller scale project that contributes to larger goals can relax and further, and redirect the critical edge. The Sun-Venus conjunction can get us lost in our romantic ideal or sybaritic moment, or it can give us the compassion to really reach out in a healing way. It also marks the Venus point, the beginning of a new 8 year Venusian cycle, so notice what starts now. As Mercury trines Pluto, words have power, depth and curiosity are added to our thinking. Our minds will drift to our concerns and flirt with depression but we can redirect it towards productive answers. After a serious bout midafternoon we need to drift and dream tonight as the Moon opposes Neptune.

Moon enters Virgo 1:45 AM, Moon conjunct Jupiter 3:27 AM, Sun conjunct Venus at 1:21 PM, Mercury trine Pluto 1:55 PM, Moon opposed Neptune 7:28 PM,

Sunday, August 16: The mood can be thoughtful, self-correcting, a good day to learn, listen, develop the skill. We can also build up momentum for social critique as the Moon conjuncts Mercury in Virgo and Mercury bi-quintiles Uranus. Just watch that internal emotional perfectionism which leads us to second-guess our decisions and improve dear ones nearby, thinking that if we just correct or school them a little more, then all our problems will be solved.

Moon trine Pluto 4:34 AM, Mercury bi-quintile Uranus 4:52 AM, Moon conjunct Mercury 6:47 AM, Moon semi-square Mars 6:25 PM.

Monday, August 17: This morning we can be a little cranky and/or creaky around the edges. Our irritation can inflame old sore points and remind us where we still need healing work as Mars challenges Chiron. Minor acts of bravery may be needed to overcome short-term obstacles, hang in there. We can find more ingenious solutions midday, find out how to balance or further the situation as Mercury quintile Saturn and the Moon enters Libra. Old stories and memories can either underline the problem or help us tap into our resources. Create pleasant egalitarian connections tonight.

Mars sesqui-quadrate Chiron 12:53 AM, Moon sextile Saturn 11:16 AM, Moon enters Libra 2:22 PM, Mercury quintile Saturn 2:41 PM.

Tuesday, August 18: The day is rich with both creative discontent and a desire to see people we haven’t seen in a while, and the deeper discontent this afternoon as the Moon squares Pluto and semi-squares the Sun. We may feel how close the end of summer is or need to say goodbye to person, place, or thing. Take seriously, but do not get melodramatic about, any problem that arises this afternoon. Notice the drifting melancholy and don’t read it into the moment. Solve the problem and remember a hopeful point beyond this story. Let this poignancy add piquancy to the moment.

Moon sextile Mars 2:43 AM, Moon semi-square Venus 2:45 AM, Moon semi-square Sun   11:43 AM, Moon square Pluto 5:30 PM, Moon semi-square Saturn 5:55 PM.

Wednesday, August 19: We look for fresh and greener pastures to explore today, we won’t be interested in what is too familiar as the Moon opposes and Venus trines restless Uranus. Spontaneity is good for the soul. We want to feel beautiful and appreciate beauty but may feel unrealistically discontent with the un-ideal quality of our relationship or wardrobe. Let’s explore possibilities without jettisoning the good stuff. Harsh words hurt, but poetry rather than logic gets our point across as Mercury semi-sextiles Venus tonight.

Moon semi-square Jupiter 12:23 AM, Moon opposed Uranus 7:41 AM, Uranus semi-sextile Chiron 8 AM, Venus trine Uranus 10:43 AM, Venus quincunx Chiron 10:50 AM, Moon sextile Sun 8:56 PM, Mercury semi-sextile Venus at 11:10 PM.

Thursday, August 20: It will help to take neutral corners under stress. People will hold onto a fight like a dog would a bone, and each person’s logic can seem unique as Mercury quincunx Uranus. Work around interference from potential electrical, neurological, or internet problems. Earlier in the day the mood is pleasant if stubborn, but watch out for the mood swings or wrestling matches late afternoon. Curtail a resentful or possessive streak. If we really need drama and intensity, let’s look for a worthy cause and not create it at home. It furthers to take some time alone  and redirect the focus before irritation peaks.

Moon enters Scorpio 3:24 AM, Mercury opposite Chiron 3:43 AM, Mercury quincunx Uranus 4:01 AM, Moon sextile Jupiter 7:22 AM, Moon semi-square Mercury 3:20 PM, Moon square Mars 7:02 PM, Moon trine Neptune 8:53 PM.





Starcodes Aug 7, 2015 Heather Roan Robbins

(all time posted as M.D.T.)

Treat every minute of summer as precious. Notice an ephemeral quality creep in to the pleasant weather and taste the freedom and bounty of high summer as Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Leo today and Mars joins the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter already in Leo tomorrow. The last few weeks brought some tough work as Mercury and Venus squared Saturn, and we need to rest and renew for autumn’s work.

With this line-up in Leo, a fire sign, fire itself can be both unusually attractive and unusually dangerous. Our hearts and forests are flammable. We are combustible. So enjoy the creative heat, but step away from the melodrama, and watch where every spark, match, or incendiary incident lands. Most of our natural and emotional landscape may be bucolic, but when a fire starts, it roars.

Venus approaches its second conjunction to Jupiter (out of three in one season), so close to the Sun we see them only a few minutes after Sunset. Together they keep the mood romantic, emotional, expansive, and sociable, if flammable with hidden undertones of stubbornness and a tendency to be self-involved. With Venus retrograde (July 26—Sept 7) we’re in an emotional review time, which can bring old friends back into my life, or send us back to visit relative or favorite place. Or we may find ourselves back at an all too familiar emotional nexus, and wonder if these old patterns will ever end.

With Jupiter conjunct Venus, there is a longing to be free from those stuck places and to harvest some gifts from the past. It can be healing to reminisce over our best moments, to remember what it felt like to be happy or in love, a first inspiration or kiss, a childhood adventure, a moment when we reached across cultures and truly made a friend, and remember in our muscles that these moments are possible.

Mercury enters Virgo later today, and Jupiter enters Virgo next week, and suddenly schools supplies can begin to look good. Our critical mind kicks in. With Virgo-mind we begin to scan the fall schedule and think of sinking our teeth into a body of work.

But let’s hold on a minute. Before we get lost in autumnal activity and back to school paraphernalia, let’s make sure we’ve done what we need to do in the summer; rest, renew, and stretch our creative wings under Leo’s inspiration. It’s not time to save an enthusiastic adventure for later, the time is now.

This fall looks to be both busy and catalytic, but let’s not jump the gun. We need to be rested and ready. This Wednesday, as Mercury opposes Neptune, symbol of all things intuitive, imaginative and confusing, we may feel lazy or escapist and have a hard time seeing where we’re going or seeing one another without projection. We might as well let summer be summer this week and gear up the week after next when the Moon is new, Mercury moves past its opposition to Neptune, and we can see farther on down the road.

So for now, enjoy a sense of freedom and adventure as the weekend begins, but be careful to not say too much as Mercury conjuncts expansive Jupiter. We can free our mind of a recent interpersonal problem involving the clash of personalities, but can say too much or promise too much, or take an exaggerated view of the situation and have to clean that up later. Although it is likely the weather will be delightful, if a storm starts up, wind and water can get some bass take and cause a real problem this week, so keep a weather eye out.

As the energizing Sun trines restless Uranus towards the end of the week we want to deal with something completely different. A short trip or change of scene, even a moment where we work equally hard but on some unfamiliar project, is good for the soul. Because thoughtful Mercury is opposed Neptune, symbol of all things intuitive, imaginative and confusing, we may want to get away or feel lazy or escapist and need to drift and dream, preferably by water. But we may have trouble seeing one another clearly and without projections, or have logistical problems because we misplace or misconstrue an important piece of information.

So be aware of the impending busy fall, but don’t jump the gun. Sure we should stir the pot for future efforts and sketch out plans, but since we can’t see the future clearly we might as well let summer be summer this week, all the more precious as the foliage takes on that end of summer tinge. Next week, when Mercury moves past its opposition to Neptune and we can begin to see farther ahead, turn towards oncoming fall. It could be a doozy.

Friday, August 7: The mood is stubbornly optimistic, cheerful with a can-do, competitive streak as Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Leo this morning. Mercury enters Virgo midday, sharpening our wits but bringing in a breeze of self-consciousness and uncertainty to an otherwise positive day. Dinnertime brings a few sharper or more serious edges as the Moon squares Venus and opposes Saturn; we understand the present limitations better but need to adjust rather than stop. Conversation and laughter pick up late tonight as the Moon enters Gemini.

Mercury conjunct Jupiter 1:08 AM Sun bi-quintile Chiron 7:20 AM, Mars semi-sextile Jupiter 11:59 AM, Mercury enters Virgo 1:14 PM, Moon square Venus 6:38 PM, Moon opposed Saturn 8:39 PM, Moon square Jupiter 10:24 PM, Moon enters Gemini 11:39 PM

Saturday, August 8: Be a butterfly and flitter from place to pace, conversation to conversation under a nervy Gemini Moon. Don’t expect to finish anything uninterruptedly. Work with imagination and this daydreaming quality consciously. Don’t expect others to truly understand as we’re all a bit off center and sensitive, but our perception can be slightly distorted as the Moon squares Neptune this afternoon. Tonight, as Mars enters Leo, the parties, and the ego issues, get down.

Moon square Mercury 1:13 AM, Moon semi-square Uranus 9:21 AM, Moon square Neptune 3:48 PM, Mars enters Leo 5:32 PM.

Sunday, August 9: After an early cranky spell we can be in for a lovely, sociable day. Just watch a tendency to get easily miffed if we feel ignored, or under-appreciated, and a tendency to make everything about us, rather than honor the vagaries of another person’s path. Calm the nervous energy and nurture the garden of connection as the talkative, if not deep, Gemini Moon sextiles the Sun, Uranus, and Venus.

Moon semi-square Mars 3:04 AM, Moon sextile Sun 5:28 AM, Moon sextile Uranus 12:29 PM, Moon sextile Venus 10:45 PM.

Monday, August 10: the day is ripe with ambiguities and mixed feelings, and a tad of existential homesickness or insecurity as the Moon enters internal, introspective Cancer and contrasts the extroverted Leo Sun. Make contacts this morning, but invite rather than push, and let people choose their own timing. Be gentle towards a nervous or disjointed mid-afternoon. Feed each other well, comfort food helps calm some edgy defenses. Integrate uncomfortable information, and reconnect tonight.

Moon sextile Jupiter 5:44 AM, Moon enters Cancer 6:08 AM, Moon semi-square Sun 11:16 AM, Moon sextiles Mercury 4:10 PM, Mercury sesqui-quadrate Uranus 4:23 PM, Moon trine Neptune 10:51 PM.

Tuesday, August 11: It can all feel wrong this morning as the Moon opposes Pluto; we can recover our equilibrium easily if no one tries to talk us out of our feelings, but we may need to make a change in response to some discomfort as the Moon opposes Pluto this morning and squares Uranus this afternoon. A real loss is possible, or a need to turn away from one path to follow another. Validate feelings and loan stability, not flammability, to any emotional wobble.

Jupiter enters Virgo 5:11 AM, Moon opposes Pluto 7:16 AM, Moon semi-square Jupiter 10:18 AM, Moon square Uranus 8:27 PM, Moon trine Chiron 8:47 PM.

Wednesday, August 12: Pay attention to the border between imagination and illusion as Mercury opposes Neptune and the Moon enters Leo. We can play off old stories or let our imagination whisk us away into our hopes, fears, and stories of the past and not notice that we’ve drifted away from reality. Give imagination a great place to go and keep it out of trouble, confirm all stories and facts before reacting in the moment, though, as it is hard to ascertain the truth, and a strange hunger for excitement can feed the fire. Follow through on all issues of travel and communication carefully.

Sun bi-quintile Pluto 4:38 AM, Moon trine Saturn 11:43 AM, Moon enters Leo 2:52 PM, Mercury opposed Neptune 7:11 PM, Moon conjunct Mars 7:59 PM.

Thursday, August 13: And now for something completely different– or so we hope– as the Sun trines Uranus. A change of scene, script, or scenario is called for. We’re unusually open to progressive or innovative ideas, ready for an easy adventure or attitude adjustment, and want to take action to improve. Larger scale ambitions can feel blocked for the moment, and we are reminded to hold our own authority around other people’s pushy wills. Invite others to a better outcome, but be flexible about what that looks like.

Sun trine Uranus 4:26 AM, Mars bi-quintile Neptune 5:23 AM, Sun quincunx Chiron 7:54 AM, Saturn semi-square Pluto 4:16 PM.

Starcodes July 31 2015 Heather Roan Robbins

This weekend could bring a summer high point, a gathering of like minds, rally for a cause, or a great day for a swim and a picnic as this morning’s full Moon in communal Aquarius illuminates our need for interconnection. This glowing Moon also opposes the Sun and Mercury shining in Leo which loan us the ability to shine and share ourselves. Venus joins the party as she retrogrades back in Leo over the weekend and approaches her second of three conjunctions to Jupiter this season. She also squares Saturn and so increase the outpouring of our emotions (Jupiter) just as she reminds us of our Saturnine responsibilities.

We just have to remember to share the limelight, because the difference between the gift of Leo and it’s shadow is the ability to respect others, to empathize and share with them. What a leonine gift it is to shine when we can also see the light in all others, and what a gift it is to be willing to have our authentic self truly be seen.

A Sun-Neptune quincunx over the weekend adds to this panache and imagination, but it doesn’t help us be realistic. The Moon enters Pisces on Saturday and Sunday, infuses all things creative and softening our hearts, but leaves us a bit raw and protective of our vulnerabilities. Let’s practice being fully present to the people around us, as they may need it.

We can too easily return to old emotional patterns or get tangled in a difficulty that has plagued us all month as Venus retrogrades back into Leo and squares Saturn again, but this time be able to break a cycle and experiment with a fresh approach that feels more aligned with our purpose. We can tap in to the extra free-floating emotions just spilling over all around us, but instead of getting caught up in the drama, just let it open the heart.

We’re much more ready to shift gears and take action on Monday and Tuesday as the Moon heads into proactive Aries while Mercury trines Uranus.

Over the next few weeks can feel momentum build in campaigns and our own progress and process as Saturn turns direct, it’s been retrograde since March 14, slowing us down and asking us to go back and do some foundational work. Pay attention to a review of issues with one’s father or father-like authority figures. Choose what teaching to keep and what to release, and build the strength of personal authority in the process.

Saturn squares Jupiter all week, which can lead to political stalemate, not that we’d really notice the difference these days, but one where the differences get articulated and underlined. Like they might be, for instance, by the image of Bernie Sanders running against Donald Trump. And as we articulate the difference, we also get the chance to reconcile or repair those differences, or find some common ground to build upon, if we so choose. All our ambitions begin to find its feet again, and we can bring a fresh, kinder mindset back to our long-term goals.

Friday, July 31: The Moon is full early this morning and calls our attention to all group dynamics, politics, gossip, and our communal sense that we are all one underneath. It also can entrench our stubborn side, but possibly for good cause. We want to know that no matter how busy our beloveds are, we are special to them, not a burden. Our mind and heart can disagree tonight; mediate between needs as the Moon opposes Mercury.

Moon opposed Sun 5:42 AM, Venus retrogrades back into Leo 10:27 AM, Moon opposed Mercury 9:25 PM

Saturday, August 1: Today brings magic, not logic or clarity as the Sun quincunx Neptune. Mornings hums with generosity, afternoon we grow edgier, more easily discouraged and need of support as the Moon squares restrictive Saturn and the Moon enters Pisces. Be direct about needs, avoid a sullen response to vulnerability. If a quirky concern or fear wriggles to the surface as Mercury bi-quintiles Pluto, get more information. We benefit from mutual gentleness tonight, take this softness as an opportunity for healing dreams.

Moon sextile Chiron to 11 AM, Sun quincunx Neptune 1:23 PM, Moon opposed Jupiter 2:15 PM, Moon squares Saturn 2:49 PM, Moon semi-square Pluto 3:23 PM, Moon oppose Venus 5:02 PM, Moon enters Pisces 5:36 PM, Mercury bi-quintile Pluto 11:06 PM

Sunday, August 2: After a magical, soft and squishy morning as the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, Take a subtle opportunity to grow in personal authority as Saturn turns direct. Take notes about the new ideas for long-term progress, but be patient and determined about how they unfold. Because we’re distracted by many different needs and ideas, our communication can be disjointed and off center mid-da unless we listen deeply as Mercury aspects unsettling Uranus and Chiron.

Saturn turns direct 12:52 AM, Moon semi-square Uranus 2:28 AM, Moon conjunct Neptune 8:27 AM, Mercury semi-square Uranus 9:50 AM, Mercury quincunx Chiron 3:01 PM, Moon sextile Pluto 3:39 PM.

Monday, August 3: We may be slow off the mark this morning under a sleepy Pisces Moon. And may not feel we have the energy to over come some intransigent contradictions in our life. If so, it will help to accomplish one, small, doable thing, and then another, until the momentum builds. Enthusiasm picks up this afternoon as the Moon forms a grand trine in water signs, with Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio. We can speak about future actions our hearts demand, and then kick into gear later as the Moon enters active Aries.

Moon conjunct Chiron 3:28 AM, Moon quincunx Mercury 5:20 AM, Jupiter square Saturn 5:36 AM, Moon trine Mars 12:49 PM, Moon trine Saturn 3:35 PM, then VOC, Moon enters Aries 6:23 PM

Tuesday, August 4: This will be a hard day to be bored; make this day action- packed and eventful, versus melodramatic. Just do it, as the Aries Moon tines the Sun. If tension arises because achieving goals seems like a struggle, let’s not buy the melodramatic thought that all are out to frustrate our plans, or that we are all alone in this work, but instead follow any lines of opportunity to make progress. Restraint helps, redirect temper flashes into mutual support and satisfying work. Success is the best medicine, and the best revenge.

Jupiter sesqui-quadrate Pluto 2:22 PM, Moon trine Sun 2:23 PM, Venus conjunct Jupiter 4:46 PM, Moon square Pluto 4:50 PM, Venus sesqui-quadrate Pluto 6:14 PM

Wednesday, August 5: Take any green lights and run with them as the Moon conjuncts energizing Uranus, trines Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. Check with logic as well as heart, but say yes wherever possible. Share heart, people need effusive signs of love and respect. Let opinions flow, just try to keep them focused on desired outcomes. We love the people that help us this afternoon, and get crabby when people are in our way. The Moon enters Taurus tonight, slows down, asks us to get more comfortable, and firms up plans. So make changes earlier,

Moon conjunct Uranus for 20 1 AM, Venus square Saturn 10:08 AM, Moon trine Mercury 2:25 PM, Moon square Mars 5:06 PM, Moon trine Venus 5:21 PM, Moon trine Jupiter 6:29 PM then VOC, Venus semi-sextile Mars 8:23 PM, Moon enters Taurus 8:29 PM

Thursday, August 6: Identify the most urgent need, and attend to it, even of the hammock calls and entropy maximizes. Once we’re in action, we can make steady, enduring progress as Mars trines Saturn, but if we sit still, we’ll tend to stay that way. We need to blend aesthetics with function, world with our love life, rather than see these needs competing as Venus and Mercury square Saturn. Relationships may take care and negotiation, and a common goal to work on when other conflicts get in the way. Practice good relationship skills rather than test the love; it may feel awkward and self conscious at first, but will produce much better results.

Sun quincunx Pluto 2:30 AM, Mars trine Saturn 3:29 AM, Mercury conjunct Venus 9:24 AM, Moon sex tile Neptune 12:20 PM, Mercury squares Saturn 3:19 PM, Mercury semi-square Pluto 6:23 PM, Moon trine Pluto 7:44 PM, Moon square Sun 9:02 PM, Mercury semi-sextile Mars 9:59 PM






Starcodes  July 24, 2015   Heather Roan Robbins

We need to be extra loving this week. We can be emotional, need to make changes, and have to deal with stressful occurrences, and mutual support helps. The week may also bring abundance, but let’s not take our loved ones for granted. The busier we get, the more love we will need.

The Sun and Mercury run together in abundant, friendly, extroverted if stubborn Leo, and encourage us to connect and increase our need to feel seen. But as the weekend begins a private Scorpio Moon and reserved Venus in Virgo (still close enough to Jupiter to be extra juicy) make us ambiguous about this whole sociability thing. We can feel a real approach avoidance conflict, and will need time both in privacy or quiet companionship, and time engaged in the heart of all things. The tension between these two sides of ourselves can make us a little uncomfortable and cause us to send out mixed signals, just as others could all use a little extra reassurance that they are loved and wanted.

Cross currents layer into this conflicting mood over the weekend as tempestuous Mars squares energizing and change inducing Uranus, just as Uranus turns retrograde. If we’re irritable, let’s be honest about it. Notice a desire to make changes just for the sake of making changes nudging around the edges of an otherwise beautiful time. And just when we’d like to make some progress a longer-term change we’ve been working on may be put on hold while we go tend other work for a few months.

The weather may get stormy, maybe it’s just our interpersonal interactions. This edginess nudges political undercurrents and social justice discontent; Mars square Uranus doesn’t want to put up with it anymore, whatever it is that bothers us. But we can use this restless combustion-engine of an aspect to engage the world bravely, whether were hiking up a mountain or tackling practicalities. Let’s just not tackle one another.

Venus retrograde for the next few weeks can bring back old friends and old faces, or old relationship dynamics we haven’t seen for a while. The mood becomes more inspired and accepting on Sunday as the Moon enters Sagittarius and the Sun bi-quintiles Neptune. Share a dream, share a moment of heart and spirit, and slough off the irritations.

A new determination arises midweek as an industrious Capricorn Moon kicks us into gear, and the Mercury-Pluto quincunx can stir some old ghosts, or strange power dynamics and make us wonder if we really are enough. Underneath the Leo hopes that we can do anything, and the Plutonian concerned that we can do nothing, is the quiet endurance of the fixed signs that gently reminds us of the power of our experience.

The weekend ends on a social high note as the Moon enters collective Aquarius, the coming full Moon in Aquarius is one of the best times to gather with beloveds all year long, and feel the presence of supportive souls.

Friday, July 24: Can’t live with people, can’t live without them; we can feel enthusiastically ambiguous about this whole human relationship thing as the Scorpio Moon squares the Leo Sun. People need attention and privacy at the same time, ask important questions of events, but honor any “do not disturb” signs upon people, and they will warm-up in a day or two. Notice the emotional signals and body language sent out, as people are reading both our words and our energy, and be can be confused and defensive if signals conflict. Feel the enthusiasm to just do something, anything, about urgencies, just do it safely. The energy feels more sultry and supportive later tonight.


12:04 AM, Moon trine Neptune 2:40 PM, Mercury bi-quintile Neptune 8:22 PM Moon sextile Pluto 11:23 PM


Saturday, July 25: The mood and power dynamics really swirl, with a strong thread of impatience running through. Mechanical difficulties and know-how abound. Keep this energy on track with forgiveness and affection, as impatience can really pull us off track. Be suspicious of sudden decisions made this morning as Mars squares Uranus, make sure they really are in one’s best interest. Pay attention around fire and sharp objects. Honor political unrest in the culture and in the family; people who have felt endangered before, need to feel heard now. Afternoon is more positively dynamic as the Moon trines Mars and Chiron, and softens this evening with thoughtful abundance.

Venus retrogrades 4:28 AM, Mars squares Uranus 3:42 AM, Moon trine Mars 12:49 PM, Moon trine Chiron 1:32 PM, Moon square Jupiter 11:54 PM

Sunday, July 26: The mood is more accepting, cheerfully engaged, willing to explore as the Moon enters exploratory and cheerful Sagittarius. Under stress we may want to get away from it all and go on an adventure. Minor aspects between Mercury and Chiron as well as between the Sun and Neptune can confuse us, soften our edges, but make us willing to be helpful. We just need to make sure we listen as much as we say, and really share the limelight.

Mars trine Chiron 2:06 AM, Moon conjunct Saturn 3:14 AM, Mercury sesquiquadrate Chiron 4:01 AM, Moon semi-square Pluto :06 AM, Uranus retrograde 4:37 AM, Moon enters Sagittarius 6:24 AM, Moon square Venus 7:48 AM, Sun bi- quintile Neptune 910:04 AM, Moon trine Sun 12:55 PM, Moon trine Mercury 8:26 APM, Moon square Neptune 11:43 PM

Monday, July 27: Take this day as is, take it off and enjoy the summer if possible. We get a break from some of the heavier energies but may not be so realistic as Mercury quincunx imaginary intuitive Neptune. We may feel unusually sensitive to our surroundings and need time outside and honoring the natural world. A warm sense of humor can help keep us moving. But confirm data if there is disagreement, clear up the fog, and otherwise let the mind float and the body wander. We have some internal catching up to do.

Mercury quincunx Neptune 5:05 PM, Moon trine Uranus 8 PM. Moon square Chiron 9 PM

Tuesday, July 28: Unless we have lists or a plan, we can putter inefficiently. But the meandering can prepare us to this afternoon as the Moon enters industrious Capricorn and trines Venus. Form follows function, beauty can be practical, and diplomacy can get the work done. A wafting world-weariness needs respect but not attention; bring thoughts back to what’s working.

Moon trine Jupiter 8:36 AM, then VOC, Moon enters Capricorn 1:47 PM, Moon trine Venus to 40 4 PM,

Wednesday, July 29: We have a lot to do, and can get it done through teamwork rather than specific efficiency if we can let go of an illusion that we know how it needs to be done, and they don’t. Rain showers of depression or inadequacy possible this afternoon as the Moon and Mercury interact with Pluto; don’t believe the story, don’t sulk, do let it be motivation. If feeling lonely, reach out to someone else who also needs connection.

Moon sextile Neptune 4:49 AM, Sun sesquiquadrate Chiron 4:55 AM, Moon semi-square Saturn 11:41 AM, Moon conjunct Pluto 12:23 PM, Mercury quincunx Chiron 9:21 PM

Thursday, July 30: It could be just a good morning with a touch of attitude. A subtle but confusing Mars-Neptune aspect can leave us less decisive than we’d like, and help us see that our situation is more complex and requires both strength and sensitivity. It’s easy (but unproductive) to argue over ideologies or beliefs, or hold other people inappropriately responsible for our disappointments. Tonight the Aquarian Moon brings up support and camaraderie, helps us find it all easier to do if we do it together.

Moon square Uranus 12:50 AM, Moon opposed Mars 6:24 AM, Moon semis square Neptune seven own 6 AM, Moon sextile Saturn 1:49 PM then VOC, Mercury by quintile Chiron 1:56 PM, Moon enters Aquarius 4:40 PM, Mars success could quadrate Neptune 9:29 PM

Starcodes  July 17, 2015 Heather Roan Robbins

We now head into high summer season as the Moon, the Sun and Mercury all enter Leo this week. While the Sun was in Cancer this last month, we dealt with security issues, extra emotions, and nesting in our home or family to refill the wells of our own resilience. Now it’s time to party. Also to have ritual, demonstrate, or state our case with panache.

Leo season is time to shine; we can all become temporary adolescents in the worst and best of ways. Playfulness calls us to rebuild our balance by celebrating life, by expressing ourselves and soaking up the sunshine, arts, music, and all other forms of creative expression. It’s a wonderful time to develop a flirtation or renew the flirtation within a long-standing partnership. We can also flirt with a new place or skill. We heal now through Leo panache and Aquarian gatherings; arts in the park, opera, and political rallies where people don’t ask too many logical questions but enjoy the enthusiasm.

But we also may deal (in ourselves and from others) with the adolescent qualities of self-absorption, hyperbole, and bravado that leave us wondering if all this drama really is necessary. It can be entertaining if annoying in the elections arena.

Leo supports generosity and compassion, but does not encourage natural empathy. Once we see a problem, we want to help; the problem will be to see. Leo is a fixed fire sign; the Leo Sun encourages us to be the hearth fire at the center for everyone to gather around. It’s a wonderful time to have fundraisers or arts festivals, to have a wedding or any ceremony where we gather together. Leo does love a little pomp and circumstance.

We tend to get melodramatic with all this Leo energy around us, and overstate how we feel, speak in hyperbole, but this can help us know what’s going on inside us. It’s not time to be stingy with signs of affection or offerings of help; we will greatly appreciate support and a playful moment.

We can feel the shift as the weekend begins and won’t really feel like sticking to the work schedule under a warmhearted (if slightly lazy-making) waxing Leo Moon. As the Sun sesqui-quadrates Neptune some situation we’re working with just hasn’t come into form yet and unknown factors can challenge our judgment. Later our escapist urge grows and we can feed that side with art, music, and a moment far away. Be careful late tonight as our impulse control and judgment may be seriously underwhelming.

We need to change something about our perspective over this weekend as mental Mercury squares changeable Uranus, the cosmic clutch. Along with a general sense of nervousness or frazzle, we notice either our old gear is no longer working, or it’s just time for a change. If we don’t go willingly, we may get kicked into motion or need to wrestle with unexpected variables in order to work things out. The more flexible we stay, the easier this will be.

This aspect is usually just good for an attitude adjustment; it only gets a little dangerous when we rush and forget to pay attention. Also, watch out for unpredictable wind patterns, which could be a literal manifestation of this aspect.

On Saturday both the Moon and Venus enter in more industrious Virgo and help us get a little work done. If we have projects to do or arrangements to make for our fall schedule, the next few days can be useful. A fresh critical edge in our mind can help us and track work, but let’s reel in a tendency be persnickety.

Early next week brings a relatively industrious time as the Sun trines Saturn, and helps us maintain momentum whether for work or our hike up the mountain. Midweek our relationships take priority, and we need to make sure we are being fair to one another, whether in politics or love. With some gentle juggling over the week, we’ll be able to both put in productive effort on our long-term plans and be fed and renewed by the multisensory experience of summer.

Friday, July 17: After a sleepy or unsure moment this morning as the Sun challenges Neptune, it’s a day of sensitivity and preparation. Don’t ask too many questions, likely the answer will be no if people are dealing with a sore point or uncomfortable situation. Excitement grows for any event out of the ordinary. Late afternoon it’s easy to leave things undone, but we’ll be happier if we see it through. The energy really picks up late tonight as the Leo Moon trines Uranus, it’s a night to dance under the stars.

Sun sesqui-quadrate Neptune 3:16 AM, the Sun semi-sex tile Jupiter 11:02 AM, Moon trine Neptune 11:55 PM,

Saturday, July 18: On this generous, easy morning, wherever we can, let’s indulge ourselves as the Moon conjunct Jupiter. People may seem cheerfully self-centered and inflexible if they are focused on something they love, but may really need this for renewal. The mood shift, become more focused, workmanlike, and loans us some IQ points as the Moon squares Saturn, and both Venus and the Moon enter Virgo and conjunct. But our nerves can get the wind up and we may not feel we have enough time to get ready for some adventure as Mercury squares Uranus. Be flexible about change in plans, interruptions, or unexpected news. Be open to information which changes thinking, Enjoy opinionated arguments, and don’t take them too personally.

Moon conjunct Jupiter 8:50 AM, Moon square Saturn 3:41 PM then VOC, Venus enters Virgo 4:38 PM, Moon enters Virgo 6:46 PM, Moon conjunct Venus 6:49 PM, Mercury square Uranus 7:07 PM, Moon semi-square Mars 9:32 PM,

Sunday, July 19: Although we may want to spend the morning attending a healing state of mind, urgencies can press on us. Lists help. Our nervous systems dance and we can get easily distracted. If we take some time out midafternoon as the Moon opposes Neptune, we will be more efficient later.

Mercury trine Chiron 5:08 AM, Moon semi-square Mercury 9:01 AM, Moon opposed Neptune 2:43 PM, Moon semi-square sun 7:54 PM, Moon trine Pluto 11:44 PM

Monday, July 20: It’s a busy morning; we seem to have a lot to catch up, details to hammer down, and context to make for the year ahead as the Moon sextiles Mercury. Midday things seem to take longer than we planned; don’t take it out on one another. Take the time to tend the details, and the momentum picks up over the next few days. Keep sense of humor this morning, even though it may be a little crispy around the edges.

Moon sextile Mars 5:29 AM, Moon opposed Chiron 1:34 PM, Mercury sesquiquadrate Neptune 3:37 PM, Moon and sextile Mercury 9:02 PM,

Tuesday, July 21: We’re rolling today as the Sun trines Saturn; our work efforts can fall in the place if we imbue them with basic common sense and respect our cohorts. Our feelings grow little sensitive during the day, so let’s prioritize our connections and leave the critical details alone as the Moon enters friendlier Libra. Disrespect will not further. Take the time to grow good memories together tonight, and store those up like food against a storm.

Moon sextiles Sun 4:01 AM, Moon and sextile Saturn 4:06 AM then VOC, Mercury semi-sextile Jupiter 5:07 AM, Sun trine Saturn 5:07 AM, Moon enters Libra 7:22 AM,

Wednesday, July 22: This is a good day to have a fair-minded discussion about a gentle negotiation as Mercury trine Saturn in fire signs under a gentle Libra Moon. We’re ready to be fair about an egalitarian approach, ready to do some swift but concentrated effort, to be surgical in our decisions. The mood shifts tonight as the Sun enters Leo and the Moon squares Mars and were ready to act out, will that be in crankiness or in celebration, that’ll be up to us.

Moon semi-square Jupiter 5:19 AM, Moon semi-square Saturn 10:35 AM, Moon square Pluto 11:36 AM, Mercury trine Saturn 11:50 AM, Moon semi -square Venus 3:13 PM, Sun enters Leo 9:30 PM, Moon square Mars 10:04 PM,

Thursday, July 23: Potential difficulties overnight can just leave us feeling a little unsettled this morning. We need to tell our stories as the Moon opposed to Uranus, Mercury enters Leo conjunct the Sun. People make it a little self-conscious because it can feel so important to feel seen and heard that we can have moments of social awkwardness in the process. Moon enters Scorpio tonight and brings out our stubborn and edgy streak with some strange undertones of concern or power plays. Step aside and dodge the bullet.

Moon opposed to Uranus 1:01 AM, Mercury enters Leo 6:14 AM, Moon and sextile Jupiter 12:11 PM then VOC, Sun conjunct Mercury 1:23 PM, Mercury semi-sextile Venus 3:52 PM, Moon enters Scorpio at 8:06 PM, Moon and sextile Venus 9:35 PM, Moon square Sun 10:03 PM, Moon square Mercury 11:04 PM

Starcodes  July 10 2015 Heather Roan Robbins


On the surface layer we have a nice sociable, Sunny summer’s week ahead. The season-long Venus-Jupiter conjunction continues to glow in the western evening sky and warm our hearts, stir creativity, and encourage our sociability. These two together expand all of our feelings, and enjoyment of a pleasant afternoon or the flirtation of a new romance through our darker emotions. But they always call us back to our heart, and ask us to find a more compassionate and creative way forward. Venus is her absolute brightest now as she begins to move between us and the Sun and gets ready to retrograde July 26- Sept 7, let her beauty pour us.

We’ll need all the love we can get this week as we also head into some tense aspects that require a productive use of discontent, even on a lovely summer day. These aspects will encourage us to break down and rebuild some structure in our lives that’s not quite working, whether it’s our front porch or the economic state of the European Union.

Mental Mercury is busy this week; it bi-quintiles Saturn on Saturday, semi-squares Jupiter and trines intuitive Neptune on Monday. Mercury then joins Mars on Wednesday and both approached a potentially scary and depressing opposition to transformative Pluto, and both square change-invoking Uranus over the next two weeks. Whenever the faster moving planet’s tag off Uranus and Pluto, which they will do several times a year ( if not always in tandem like Mercury and Mars are doing now), they dance on and stimulate the world changes instigated as Uranus and Pluto squared off from 2012-2015.

Underneath iced tea on the front steps and other Venusian summery glory, Pluto and Uranus bring our minds to whatever we worry about, wherever we wonder if we have the chops to proceed, or feel like our life is not living up to our potential. Our attention may be brought to a secret grief or concern to or bring simple damage by blustering winds or scalding word. They can give us the muscles to do big macho projects, but also increase accidents. So let’s be careful with one another.

We can let this murky Pluto-Mercury aspect remind us of the ephemeral sweetness of the moment and use it to make the most of our time. Instead of feeling stuck in the darkness, let’s honor any free-floating sad memories and let them flow, feel the gap between who we are and where we want to be, and, while being kind to ourselves, use it to stimulate us to action. Let’s forgive ourselves and occasional moment of overwhelm and practice good self-care. Build our resilience by availing ourselves to the beauty of the summer and the support of people around us.

For a few global hotspots these aspects turn up the heat and can bring problems to boil. But we don’t have to use this energy for conflict. We can compete with our personal best. We can tackle our problem that needs all of our attention. We can make a decisive statement to a difficult relative or tackle the toughest issue in our house and really take it on. We can confront our contribution to global warming. But if we don’t have a worthy task or opponent we can get snarky with one another. If we feel this irritable energy rising, let’s look for a problem that the family can tackle together rather than make each other the problem.

The weekend begins under a sybaritic Taurus Moon, good for delicious picnics and visits with friendly if intransigent relatives. Important conversations begin on Sunday under the Gemini Moon, though information comes in bits and pieces of broken conversation. But this can lead to some form of crises midweek as Mercury and Mars conjunct and oppose Pluto. In response to this tension some people fall back on their most familiar or conservative views. We’ll have the creativity to resolve these issues quickly if we’re willing to honor each other’s need for safety and security in the process.

But this can lead to some form of crises midweek as we head into the new Moon in Cancer as Mercury and Mars conjunct and oppose Pluto. We’ll be able to find creative answers quickly if we’re willing to honor each other’s need for safety and security in the process.

Friday, July 10: We’ll be frustrated if we try to hurry people or change their minds, but a nice settled pace allows us to sink in our teeth into work that takes diligence and curiosity as the Taurus Moon trines Pluto. Summer beckons us to indulge. Evening is perfect for a slow foods meal as the Moon sextiles the Sun, though a cranky spell may kick in towards midnight.

Moon sextile Neptune 6:28 AM, Moon and sextile Mars 8:26 AM, Moon trine Pluto 2:24 PM, Moon sextiles Sun 10:07 PM, Moon semi-sextile Mercury 11:50 PM,

Saturday, July 11: A mental nervous tic needs attention on an otherwise delicious Saturday morning; a minor Mercury-Saturn aspect can cause us to chew productively upon a problem. The hardware store beckons us to get supplies needed to complete unfinished projects, and we’ll rest better when we tackle them. If there’s some disagreement about priorities midafternoon, don’t try to convince others to do what you want to do, cheerfully agree to tend to your own. It’s easy to obsess about our romances or interpersonal dynamics today, but won’t be productive; much of these knots will dissolve in a few hours. Late afternoon, if it’s hard to accomplish anything, give in and put the feet up. Let Saturday renew. We get lighten up and get a second wind tonight as the Moon enters mobile Gemini.

Mercury bi-quintile Saturn 1:20 AM, Moon square Jupiter 6:55 AM, Moon semi-square Mars 12:04 PM, Moon square Venus 1:57 PM, Moon opposed Saturn 3:52 PM, then Moon VOC until Moon enters Gemini 6:16 PM,

Sunday, July 12: Unexpected advanced may surprise us. The energy is disjointed and easily interrupted, our nerves can still feel a little frazzled and focus is hard to find as the Sun squares Uranus. But in this interrupted energy flow, we can make change. It’s a good day for relocating, travelling, or reorganizing; productive use of discontent. We may be have to incorporate information that’s uncomfortable or changes our plans in response, or just want to act out. Let’s not take one another’s static personally, but use the disconnected energy to unhinge from places where we felt stuck, and begin to conceive of positive changes going forward.

Moon semi-squares Sun 2:37 AM, Moon semi-square Uranus 3:56 AM, Moon square Neptune 11:18 AM, Sun square Uranus 8:52 PM,

Monday, July 13: Use this interestingly productive day to either relax near water as Mercury trines oceanic Neptune, or to envision a difference, and engage the conversation to help make it so. We really can think outside the box and use our imagination to solve problems and communicate. Write, express the soul through words. Tonight, though, our mind needs a rest; we may really need to step out and let the wheels spin.

Mercury semi-square Jupiter 6:08 AM, Mercury trine Neptune 1:13 PM, Moon sex tile Jupiter 1:20 PM, Sun trine Chiron 8:53 PM, Moon sextile Venus 9:31 PM, then Moon VOC

Tuesday, July 14: Tension or discomfort begins to build today as the Moon wanes in deep feeling Cancer while emotional Venus squares Saturn. It’s easy to feel a little sulky, and want the world to prove that we’re safe and loved, or else. We may be prone to testing relationships when what we really need to do is support and structure. Deal with how form can support function, how strength can create beauty. Nurture oneself and signal to beloveds that they are safe and cared for. Don’t ask people to take business risks today or tomorrow.

Moon enters Cancer 1:14 AM, Venus squares Saturn 1:47 AM, Mars sesquiquadrate Saturn 3:26 PM, Moon semi-square Jupiter 6:16 PM, Moon trine Neptune 6:47 PM

Wednesday, July 15: This could be a busy and difficult astrological day, so lead with kindness, empathy, and stay grounded. Mercury and Mars conjunct and oppose Pluto, and could bring us some conflict or difficulty to a head. It’s a great time to deconstruct the house for renovation, to get out aggressions and give in to a desire to break down and rebuild in a safe and productive way. Watch that destructive energy doesn’t lash out unnecessarily. Be careful around sharp implements. Walk away from a fight with beloveds until ready to listen with an open heart; assume any tension is underlying anxiety speaking, and not the real feelings. After the new Moon around 9:24 PM we can feel a turning point towards rebuilding and nurturing.

Moon conjunct Mars 1:49 AM, Moon opposed Pluto to 10 AM, Venus semi-square Mars 7:54 AM, Mars opposed Pluto 8:12 AM, Venus sesquiquadrate Pluto 8:27 AM, Mercury sesquiquadrate Saturn 11:49 AM, Moon square Uranus to 10 PM, Mercury opposed Pluto 5:39 PM, Moon conjunct the Sun 7:24 PM, Mercury semi-square Venus 7:32 PM, Mercury conjunct Mars 10 of 14 p.m.,

Thursday, July 16: A new beginning, a chance to recover, a deep breath, and our resilience may have been tested yesterday, today we need to take care of ourselves and consider our next moves. Our defenses are heightened; we need to reach into our maturity to make balanced decisions to move forward. Interesting decisions can be made around home, homeland, and nesting. Late afternoon grows more expansive, sociable, yet with a hunger for intensity.

Mercury conjunct Mars 12:14 AM, Moon trine Saturn 7:24 AM, and then VOC, Moon enters Leo 10:14 AM